Sunday, February 12, 2017

Notes on Marketing Class - MB IPB

Sintya Rosdwianty
Class of E61
Master Program in Business Management - School of Business (
Bogor Agricultural University (

Marketing Class
Lecturer :

Prof. Dr. Ir. Ujang Sumarwan, M.Sc. (,
Dr. Ir. Hartoyo, M.Sc.
Dr. Ir. Dodik Nur Rachmat, M.Sc.F.
Dr. Kirbandoko, M.S.M.
Dr. Ir. Mukhammad Najib, M.M.

First Note
300 Words about the first meeting of Marketing Management

First class of Marketing Management lecture by Prof. Dr. Ir. Ujang Sumarwan, MSc held on Tuesday, February 7, 2017 at SB IPB. Before the class started, all the students need to complete the online pre-test on marketing. The goal is to measure the understanding of each student regarding marketing area, and also to tell the students some of marketing terms, such as marketing mix, new consumer/company capabilities, the difference between needs & wants, etc.

During the class, I’ve found out that Prof. Ujang’s way to teach is quite interesting. For example, all the students need to say a keyword about marketing, without copying/repeating the answer that already said by the other student. It pushed all the students to think creative and out of the box, so the answers will be varied. Some of keywords are selling, promotion, product, segmentation, branding, and advertising. After all the keywords are gathered, then Prof. Ujang explained us about the marketing itself, the marketing area – which include some of the keywords, the difference of wants, needs, and demand, and also the types of demand (such as negative demand, no demand, and latent demand).

After that, Prof. Ujang explained us about promotions that has 2 meaning, which are the incentives, and the communication. Communication become one of important area because it can be a critical factor for the successful promotion. Prof. Ujang also explained us about 4Ps of marketing mix, the concept by Jerome McCarthy, which are product, place, price, and promotion.

4Ps - The Examples of Marketing Mix in Digital Era
Source :

Jerome McCarthy formulized 4Ps to simplify some of the ways to boost sales. The 4Ps itself, popular as Marketing Mix, needs to be adapted to each customer segmentation, and also for each product/category. As stated in Pemasaran Strategik: Perspektif Perilaku Konsumen dan Marketing Plan book page 11 (Ujang Sumarwan, 2017), for any target group or customer segmentation, integrated marketing programs – that includes the 4Ps - are needed to boost sales effectively.

My overall impression to this class are so interesting. I think Prof. Ujang has successfully explain the basic concept of marketing in a simpler yet fun way. I can’t wait for the next session next week.

Text Book
Ujang Sumarwan (editor). 2015. Pemasaran Strategic: Perspektif Perlilaku Konsumen dan Marketing Plan. IPB Press.

This book contains the theory and concept about marketing: competitive strategy, segmentation, targeting, differentiating, positioning, product strategy, price strategy, distribution strategy, and promotion strategy. This book also contains 10 study cases based on consumer behavior research. The book aims to help the reader create an integrated marketing plan and improve their business performance.

Sumarwan Ujang; Agus Djunaedi; Aviliani; H.C Royke; Jusuf Agus Sayono; Rico R Budidarmo; Sofyan Rambe. (Strategic Marketing: Strategy for Corporate Growth and Share Holder Value).-Pemasaran Strategik: Strategi Untuk Pertumbuhan Perusahaan dalam Penciptaan Nilai bagi Pemegang Saham . Published byInti Prima, Februari 2009, ISBN 979-450-451-3  Please dowload link below for book preview:
Link to download e-book:

Sumarwan, U., Achmad Fachrodji., Adman Nursal., Arissetyanto Nugroho., Erry Ricardo Nurzal., Ign Anung Setiadi., Suharyono., Zeffry Alamsyah. 1st Printing. 2011. Marketing Strategic: Value Based Marketing and Marketing Metrics. Pemasaran Strategik: Persfektif Value-Based Marketing dan Pengukuran Kinerja. Bogor, IPB Press.
Link to download e-book:

Pemasaran strategik menguraikan bagaimana sebuah perusahaan harus memahami konsumen, sehingga dapat menyusun strategi pemasarannya untuk mencapai tujuan-tujuan perusahaan guna meningkatkan kinerja perusahaan dan menciptakan nilai tambah bagi pemegang saham.Pemasaran adalah memahami berbagai kebutuhan para pelanggan dan mengembangkan sebuah proposisi untuk menawarkan nilai yang superior. Melalui penyediaan nilai pelanggan yang lebih tinggi maka manajemen dapat memberikan dan menghasilkan nilai yang lebih tinggi pula kepada para pemegang saham. Nilai suatu merek dagang terbentuk dari kepercayaan para pelanggan terhadap merek dagang perusahaan. Kepercayaan ini membentuk relasi antara merek dan pelanggan yang mendorong preferensi, loyalitas merek, dan keinginan untuk mempertimbangkan produk dan jasa baru yang ditawarkan perusahaan di masa depan dengan merek tersebut. Buku ini juga menguraikan bagaimana langkah-langkah untuk membangun ekuitas merek serta menjelaskan beberapa metode untuk mengukur ekuitas merek.